Economic Policy is published by Oxford University Press for CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research), the Center for Economic Studies of the University of Munich (CESifo), and Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) in association with the European Economic Association.

In October 2005, Economic Policy celebrated its 20th anniversary with a special celebration at the Bank of England. During that anniversary year, some of the journal’s contributors took a moment to reflect on a retrospective of Economic Policy’s contributions over its existence.

From 2005 Economic Policy is published quarterly.

Economic Policy provides timely and authoritative analyses of the choices confronting policy-makers. The subject matter ranges from the study of how individual markets can and should work to the broadest interactions in the world economy. It has earned a worldwide reputation for identifying current and emerging policy topics and subjecting them to an analysis that is both rigorous and accessibly presented.

It offers an independent, non-partisan, perspective on issues of worldwide concern. It emphasizes problems of international significance, either because they affect the world economy directly or because the experience of one country contains important lessons for policy-makers elsewhere.

All the articles are specifically commissioned from leading professional economists. Their brief is to illuminate topical policy issues by combining the insights of modern economics with best available evidence. The presentation is incisive and written in plain language accessible to a wide range of participants in the policy debate.

Prior to publication, each article is discussed by a Panel of distinguished economists. Summaries of Panellists’ comments are included in each volume in order to provide readers with alternative interpretations of the evidence and a sense of the liveliness of the current debate. The Panel, which rotates annually, represents a broad range of specialisations and nationalities.

[testimonial title=”Rudiger Dornbusch”]
[testimonial title=”Stanley Fischer”]
[testimonial title=”Jean Tirole”]
[testimonial title=”Mervyn King”]
[testimonial title=”Jacob A Frenkel”]

Economic Policy is indexed/abstracted in: Contents of Recent Economics Journals; Current Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences; Economic Literature Index; Geographical Abstracts; Human Geography; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; International Development Abstracts; Journal of Economic Literature; PAIS International in Print; Research Alert; Sage Public Administration Abstracts; Social Science Citation Index; Social Scisearch.